It is with regret, that I must report, that this film falls far short of my expectations. The quality of the acting was spotty at best. the direction, given the final output was muddled. Story management and consistency within the story was absent. Character motivations apart from the obvious were missing in action.
The theme carried a strong political message and was as preachy as it was heavy handed. It seemed that the entire film was constructed to carry this message and all of the elements of the film were made to pay homage to it. It lacked the deft hand required to deliver this message without coming across as paternalistic. I should have expected this from the group that did the same thing with District 9.
This film was at best a poor output. It falls into my worst films of 2013 file, and is a strong contender for worst film of the 21st century. On an A through F grading scale, I give it a D and only that because the visuals and effects were impressive and convincingly done. Otherwise my grade for this film would have been significantly lower.