Invariably, something always gets in the way. Either the work day does not run as smoothly as I would like, and I can't leave on time, or traffic is a toxic morass of accidents and slow drivers. And as a result I become stressed which wears through my otherwise cherub-like demeanor, (sarcasm intended). Stress for is always an unwelcome guest. I do not like the person it makes me. My mood, which is not good under the best of circumstances becomes foul. I become irritated, short tempered, and otherwise a person even I don't like.
And on a recent Wednesday evening it was no different. Traffic was running slow. True to form for a typical Wednesday. I was irritated behind the wheel watching the enemy steal precious minutes from me. I was doing the math in my head as to the impact on my schedule and it was not good.
And then the sea of traffic parted, and I maneuvered into the fast lane. I could finally make up for lost time. I put the hammer down, and was able to breathe a sigh of relief. My schedule had been saved or salvaged at least. Little did I know what fate had in store for me next.
As I was passing Easton on I-270 South, I noticed the car was fighting me and had a strong right pull. As I started to investigate the problem, I felt a thump and no less than three dash board lights came on. My initial guess was that I had lost a tire somehow. From the strength of the pull and sluggish handling response, I figured it was the right front tire.
Now I know what is possible at these speeds. And when dense traffic gets factored into it, I knew a deadly pinball game was one likely outcome. I was at least five lanes from a good shoulder. I knew the odds were not on my side. I just had to try and hope for the best.
I switched on my hazard blinker, and began to slow down. I expected the worst. It did not happen. A path between me and shoulder materialized out of nowhere. I was able to carefully navigate my stricken Impala through the traffic without incident. No one honked their displeasure. No one gave me the finger for their trouble.
I was able to reach the shoulder and bring my car to a stop without further incident. And as I sat there, I knew a few things for an absolute certainty. I was alive and unharmed. Things could have gone badly. A million things could have gone wrong, but for reasons I don't know God's mercy, grace, provision, and protection appeared.
In such moments, I was thankful. Sure my evening was wrecked. My plans were shot for sure. However that did not bother me. I was around to have shot plans and a wrecked evening. Even though I never feel worthy of the grace and mercy extended to me in such moments, I was thankful nonetheless.
I experienced a closeness with the divine in the confines of my car that overwhelmed with thankfulness and gratitude. Even though that was a beginning of a difficult evening, I knew the worst of it was over. There were insult to injury moments, disappointments along the way. In the midst of it, I knew I was not alone. I knew I had been and continued to be protected. Learning that lesson was worth it.