- We need a system the collects taxation from all of the people residing in this nation.
- The underlying system must be fair. It must include everyone.
- There should be zero loopholes.
- Everyone should pay the exact same rate of taxation.
- We should understand that the tax code is not and should be a tool to implement social policy.
- The tax return should fit on a three by five card with room to spare.
Obviously from these basic ideas you can deduce that I am not a fan of the current code. It is overly byzantine. It requires entirely too much knowledge on the part of individual citizen for the purpose of compliance. It can make individual citizens into criminals, because of honest mistakes. And it empowers those with the resources to do so, to game the system with the goal of paying zero tax.
I believe the time has come for us as a nation to end the current code. We should drive a stake through its heart and start over again. We need to admit that it is killing us, and have the appropriate surgery for it so that it can be excised from our hearts and minds.
We as a culture spend billions of dollars every year not on the taxes themselves, but rather on the process that assists us in paying our taxes. That is lost capital that can never be put to productive use. I endeavored to find a total figure for any single year in the last decade for this item, and it was not available, but the number I am suspecting would be huge. If the average person in a nation of 300+ million people spends $20 total (that number is a rather low one) inclusive of time and effort, the conservative estimate comes to roughly $6 billion dollars. Compare that with Amazon's total revenue for 2013 of $74+ billion. The simple truth is that we spend entirely too much to comply with a tax code that gives back entirely too little.
Once we agree that the current code needs to go, the question becomes what do we replace it with comes next. I believe in a simple controlling notion. Progressive taxation as a conceptual construct is one of the most primal cause in our current dilemma. The notion that because you make more you should pay a higher rate is at best flawed. The citizenship rights of a millionaire are not magnified exponentially on the basis of yearly earnings.
Each entity living, working, plying a trade, or engaging in a business venture in this nation should pay taxes and it should be the same rate for all of them. We should have a national discussion as to what that rate should be to appropriately fund the government, but that number should be low, in single digits I would imagine. And once that conversation is had, it should be implemented clearly, cleanly, and simply.
All income should be taxed the same way. This does mean that I believe that capital gains taxation should be folded into the income tax process, and that the current process by which investment income is taxed should go away. We should not allow the government to double, triple, or quadruple tax the same piece of income, just because it was earned from investments. It should be taxed in the year it is actually earned, and that should be the end of it. Anything more than that is part of the flawed logic that landed us in our current dilemma.
There should be no exclusions, loopholes, deductions, or set asides in the new code. The simple principle is this, you earn X in a given year, your tax rate is Y, therefore your total tax should be Z. Simply put, the tax return should be short, simple, and fit on a three by five card with room to spare. I believe the idea that tax policy is the best place to implement social policy is tragically flawed, and should be discarded as a relic upon the ash heap of bad ideas.
The does mean that average tax payers like myself, would be giving up a lot of deductions. It also means that companies would be giving up 100% of their arcane giveaways. It means that we would all be treated the same in terms of our total taxation. No one gets special treatment. It means that GE or Apple is seen the same by the IRS as John Q Public, which is a serious advancement in the cause of liberty.
Also, we should tax every dollar earned in the United States by every entity earning it. It means the end of using intellectual property rights being moved offshore to avoid paying taxes on the revenue that results from them. It means that any entity making a buck in the US economy pays the appropriate taxation on that buck! Doing it this way, eliminates the need for tax havens in other nations, in the Caribbean , Western Europe, or the Swiss Alps. The implementation of this strategy will mean extra billions if not trillions of dollars into the coffers of the treasury.
Once these reforms are discussed and implemented, they should all be inextricably bound together, to prevent future tinkering around the edges. If future congresses wish to make changes, they should be forced to end the existing code at that time and start over again. This will prevent this reform effort from becoming another byzantine behemoth a century from now.
Simply put... The existing system of taxation is broken. I believe it cannot be reformed. It must be excised from our hearts and minds. We should start over with something that better reflects what we need in our post-modern society. There should be no fear in starting over. America has done it time and again. This should be no different.