
Let me begin by saying welcome to my site, and thank you for taking the time to stop here. I have put this site up for the primary purpose of aggregating the writing I do. And also I intend for this site to function as a convergence. In other words, it is intended to function as a place in which all of the aspects of my writing, and all the included genres intersect or coincide.
In the days, weeks, and months ahead, I plan to put up examples of the writing I am doing, include my thoughts on the various events of the day that interest me, and hopefully provide a third space for various things that I find valuable, funny, or interesting.
In the days, weeks, and months ahead, I plan to put up examples of the writing I am doing, include my thoughts on the various events of the day that interest me, and hopefully provide a third space for various things that I find valuable, funny, or interesting.
New Entry..
I have not been on my blog for awhile. Sorry about that. I have had this entry percolating in my cranium for a bit, and today it exploded onto the page. Please read it and let me know what you think.
It is entitled, 'The Topography of Now'.
It is entitled, 'The Topography of Now'.
My Writing Creed
There is a mystical moment when the idea that will be written is perfect. The initial research is complete. The baseline for the characters is done. The rough plot path and story arc is defined. The idea has borne fruit. And the imagination is full to the point of overflowing. The fervent desire to pour it forth is overpowering.
It will only be perfect in this singular shining moment, in this moment before the imperfect author attempts to bring it to life on the page in a torrential explosion from the place where the creative side hides. A disconnect exists between the imagination and the page, it reveals the imperfection of the one charged with its release in short order.
As one who reads my work, do not judge harshly. The task is titanic in most cases. It causes many who attempt it to flee in horror. The task shatters many that try. In truth all that attempt it are never the same after, regardless of result.
There is a mystical moment when the idea that will be written is perfect. The initial research is complete. The baseline for the characters is done. The rough plot path and story arc is defined. The idea has borne fruit. And the imagination is full to the point of overflowing. The fervent desire to pour it forth is overpowering.
It will only be perfect in this singular shining moment, in this moment before the imperfect author attempts to bring it to life on the page in a torrential explosion from the place where the creative side hides. A disconnect exists between the imagination and the page, it reveals the imperfection of the one charged with its release in short order.
As one who reads my work, do not judge harshly. The task is titanic in most cases. It causes many who attempt it to flee in horror. The task shatters many that try. In truth all that attempt it are never the same after, regardless of result.