Seeing film of Babe Ruth, Michael Jordan, Hank Aaron, Bret Farve, and many others playing their respective sport leaves the same impression. Off the charts talent finding harmony with the path laid before them is what I am talking about here. The each found a powerful union in the intersection of skill, talent, and opportunity. To them it was just living in the harmony of their placement. Most found humility in being able to be who they were and get paid to do it.
There are examples of outside of the area of sport for this principle. Actors, scientists, mathematicians, statesmen, and warriors all have powerful examples. From Tesla to Edison, Richard Burton to Clint Eastwood, Eisenhower to Patton, Rommel to Gudarian, Lincoln to Reagan, and beyond all prove this principle.
Some like Nietzsche would argue that this is an example of the superman principle. And that is on some level a compelling argement. It just does not match up with the witness of history or Biblical teaching on the subject. To agree full with Nietzsche on this subject is a cop out, and it lets us all off the hook from this principle.
You see the Bible teaches us that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made. Not some of us, not a select few of us, but all are made in this fashion. And all of us are put here with something we are meant to do. The Bible is clear on this point. We all have a fundamental reason we are brought here.
The sweep of human history is such that in the course of our lives there is something we were brought here to be, to do, to fully inhabit. It might not be to be the winning quarterback in the super bowl. It might not be the powerful warrior, president, scientist, actor, or athlete. But there is always something.
It might be to be the positive influence in a person's life. It might be as the father or mother of a fragile child. It might be as the grandfather of a broken and battered grandchild. It might be as the one that has the courage to say, 'Here I stand, I can do no other'. Or as the one that asks, 'Who is this uncircumcised Philistine to defy the armies of the living God'?
There is without a doubt a something that has brought you to this precise moment in human history. 'For such a time as this', a quote spoken to a prophet to a queen several millennium ago applies to us all. Great or small, we are all gifted in accordance with our calling. Each of us is called to be about the something that brought us here. Given the scant amount of time we are each granted and the fleeting nature of it, we need to get busy.
There are no small callings when comes to the one thing principle. There are only small people that hide their talent in the earth to their shame and their something's detriment. Its time, nay well passed time honestly to get busy and figure out our one thing and get hot about fulfilling our role in meeting the needs of that something.
I excuse no one, not even myself, in our indolence and self-indulgence on this point. Our world needs us all to be positive participants in the process of making the one thing our absolute priority. Let's roll...