So the French household is on the precipice of another school year. We had the obligatory meet and greet tonight at the school, that essentially had more to do with bringing in the metric ton of school supplies on the list than anything else. Our children's teacher's seem nice, but teacher's at this stage of the game always seem nice, so only time will tell.
I was reminded tonight that I really don't like crowds. This was not always the case. Over the last few years this disgust has come on as a side effect of curmudgeon's disease. So night's like tonight make me roll my eyes and take deep breaths to keep my lack of excitement with crowds in check. Tonight was a sea of people. I should have expected it, but I didn't.
I was trying to share some salient details with one teacher regarding my child, only to be interrupted four times by the same annoying parent with no tolerance for waiting. My ability to control the fist of death was sorely tested there. I did however manage to keep it under wraps. And to the parent that named her daughter Micah, (a boy's name), and then spelled it awful, Micaiah, all I can say is WOW. And when you didn't understand why the teacher had a hard time saying it, I was like 'really?'? I wanted to say, 'You could not have screwed up naming you child much worse, and then you look at the teacher like they're the idiot?'
I guess this comes back to a simple thing about tonight is this, I was reminded how flawed I am. I was reminded just how little patience I have at times. I was reminded just how much I struggle with controlling my tongue in social situations. I was also reminded how vibrant an inner monologue I have. I almost wish that the inner monologues of people could be let out in an anonymous setting. That I think would be hilarious...
I do struggle with events driven by chaos and tonight was that in spades. I felt on some level like, the school had months to plan for the next school year, and this is the best they could do? Oh well, we managed to get through it. We survived it, and that's about all that was possible in this context. Just thought I would share my events of the evening tonight.
I was reminded tonight that I really don't like crowds. This was not always the case. Over the last few years this disgust has come on as a side effect of curmudgeon's disease. So night's like tonight make me roll my eyes and take deep breaths to keep my lack of excitement with crowds in check. Tonight was a sea of people. I should have expected it, but I didn't.
I was trying to share some salient details with one teacher regarding my child, only to be interrupted four times by the same annoying parent with no tolerance for waiting. My ability to control the fist of death was sorely tested there. I did however manage to keep it under wraps. And to the parent that named her daughter Micah, (a boy's name), and then spelled it awful, Micaiah, all I can say is WOW. And when you didn't understand why the teacher had a hard time saying it, I was like 'really?'? I wanted to say, 'You could not have screwed up naming you child much worse, and then you look at the teacher like they're the idiot?'
I guess this comes back to a simple thing about tonight is this, I was reminded how flawed I am. I was reminded just how little patience I have at times. I was reminded just how much I struggle with controlling my tongue in social situations. I was also reminded how vibrant an inner monologue I have. I almost wish that the inner monologues of people could be let out in an anonymous setting. That I think would be hilarious...
I do struggle with events driven by chaos and tonight was that in spades. I felt on some level like, the school had months to plan for the next school year, and this is the best they could do? Oh well, we managed to get through it. We survived it, and that's about all that was possible in this context. Just thought I would share my events of the evening tonight.